The concept of the MIMIKRI brand is turning old leather garments into high quality, one-of-a-kind designer bags and accessories. All of the bags are made out of recycled material: vintage leather coats, pants, skirts or leather cutting waste. Each piece is handmade and unique, rejuvenated with special techniques like heat press, laser cut and hand paint – giving every item a new chance.

 "We believe in leather: this is a highly durable material not losing its value in the course of time. On the contrary: it becomes more and more precious as time goes by. Even an old, shapeless, old-fashioned leather skirt can be a full-value new-looking bag."

By using upcycled leather we extend the material's lifetime and allow to spend another cycle in the circulation, moreover reducing waste.

 Krisztina Nagy, the designer of the brand has graduated from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design as a Textile Designer, she established her label in 2017. Krisztina herself is hands on in every single part of the process – from designing to producing, from the search for the perfect vintage piece to transform, to the final touches of the MIMIKRI item.